vrijdag 23 mei 2014

prototype 45

Further stadium of prototype: P44

Expected positive: Bernoux will be positive surprised, rubber ring is good.
Unexpected positive: pen didn't break

Expected negative: Pen will break
Unexpected negative: Rubber ring came loose, pen needs to be very strong.

donderdag 15 mei 2014

Design for everyone - Activity Center - Perstekst

Bernoux Demeulemeester is 18 jaar, en heeft een mentale leeftijd van 2 jaar. Ze leeft samen in een leefgroep met een tiental andere jong volwassenen, in het zorgcentrum “Maria ter engelen”.
Op deze leeftijd is Bernoux enerzijds zeer sterk en krachtig, aan de andere kant is ze supersnel afgeleid en wil ze allerlei nieuwe dingen uitproberen. Zo maakt ze bijvoorbeeld veel speelgoed kapot en vraagt ze veel aandacht van de begeleiders. Hierdoor is geen enkel spelletje of activity board boeiend of schokvrij genoeg voor haar.
Wij komen met een oplossing voor dit probleem, namelijk een Wii remote smartboard. Volgens het simpele principe van projectie kan op volledig veilige manier geïnterageerd  worden. Een Wii remote die je in de richting van de projectie plaats kan IR licht van onze IR pen ontvangen. Via online open software kan dit Infrarood licht van onze IR pen omgezet worden naar een muisbeweging. Zo neemt de IR pen de functie over van de computer muis.

Op die manier kunnen dus eindeloos (online) spelletjes gespeeld worden zonder de concentratie te verliezen of iets kapot te maken. Dankzij de hulp van ons Wii remote smartboard is het voor Bernoux en anderen van de leefgroep mogelijk om zich zonder aandacht van de begeleider bezig te houden op een leuke manier.

CLIENT :: Bernoux Demeulemeester
IO :: Bert Boute, Ward Meeus
ERGO :: Sarah Carbon


dinsdag 13 mei 2014

prototype 44

Further stadium of prototype: P40

Expected positive: Positive suprise, focused on the movements
Unexpected positive: calibration works good on a bigger screen, no need for full calibration.

Expected negative: IR-pen will be fast broken, she will not like it.
Unexpected negative: She was very fast distracted from the beamer, light, pen and shapes.

maandag 5 mei 2014

Prototype 41, 42 & 43

In case Bernoux doesn't get's away with the IR-pen, we provided some alternatives to work with.

Prototype 41

First is a simple 2led-bike lamp, where we can change the led into IR leds. It has a ring to put around your finger.

Expected positive: not much irritation on skin
Unexpected positive: palm of the hand is free, so she can knock on the wall with her hand

Expected negative: Inpired by the thing on her hand, distracted, wil brake it or try to disassemble the light.
Unexpected negative: Uses the other side of the palm to draw on the wall. Weird but that says she's seeying a connection between the leds and the game.

Prototype 42

The second tool is also a bike led light but this time with 3 leds. We only changed the middle led to a IR led. We fasten the light to bike glove with velcro.

Expected positive: Gloves will be on easy with some help, after that it will not irritate her on the hand.
Unexpected positive: The light keeps good connection to the glove, good handling with the glove

Expected negative: Light will fall of when she is very active. Otherwise she will disassemble it or break it.
Unexpected negative: Uses the other side of the palm to draw on the wall. Weird but that says she's seeying a connection between the leds and the game.

Prototype 43

The last tool is a simple piece of old wetsuit material that stretches nice around the hand. Again the same light as before is attached with velcro.

Expected positive: Good connection with Wii remote, easy on without help from attendant.
Unexpected positive:  The light keeps good connection to the glove, good handling with the glove.

Expected negative: Will irritate her by its form around her hand. Will be distracted by it.
Unexpected negative: Uses the other side of the palm to draw on the wall. Weird but that says she's seeying a connection between the leds and the game.

zaterdag 3 mei 2014

prototype 40

Further stadium of prototype: P32

Expected positive: Tracing works well
Unexpected positive: calibration works good on a bigger screen, no need for full calibration.

Expected negative: person who holds the IR pen obstructs sometimes the IR camera view.
Unexpected negative: